Salanger leads qualifiers into Match Play
Connor Salanger of Tuscarora led all qualifiers at Lakeshore Yacht & CC today with a round of five under par 67. Salanger is looking to...
SDGA District Pairings Available
Pairings for the qualifying round of the 2015 SDGA Amateur Championship at Lake Shore Yacht & CC are now available here. The low 31...

John Clare Wins Ashe Memorial
Due to overnight rains, the final round of the 2015 Ashe has been cancelled. John Clare of Bellevue CC is the winner with a two round...

Father-Son Winners Crowned
Dave & Luke Smith (top photo), won the SDGA Father Son Championship this past weekend at Cazenovia GC with a score of 61 for a six shot...
Plata Wins Senior Championship
Frank Plata of Cazenovia CC won his third District Senior Championship at Camillus CC this past weekend with a two day total of three...