Maxwell Dec Wins SDGA District Match Play Championship
(Pictured Above: Maxwell Dec; Photo provided by Fran Piraino) Baldwinsville, NY - The 2019 SDGA District Match Play Championship, hosted...

Mike and Tynan Jones Win SDGA Two-Man Scramble Title
Oswego, NY - The father/son combination of Mike Jones and Tynan Jones won the Two-Man Scramble, at Oswego Country Club, with a great 10...

Tynan Jones, Caleb Decker Win 2019 SDGA District Junior Match Play Titles
Pictured above (left to right): Punn Chittaratlert, Caleb Decker, Tynan Jones, and Adam Butch Syracuse, NY- Skaneateles' own Tynan Jones...

Gruninger, Decker, and Kilmartin Win SDGA Junior Classic Titles
Tully, NY- The 2019 SDGA Junior Classic, hosted by Liverpool G&CC, Oswego CC, and Vesper Hills GC, produced three winners. Bellevue's...

Petrin Wins Ashe at Yahnundasis with Final Round 3-under 68
Lake Shore's Jonny Petrin started the final round of the rain-shortened 2019 Gerry Ashe Memorial five strokes off the lead. He more than...