SDGA Finishes 6th in 2021 Williamson Cup at CC of Buffalo
The Syracuse District Golf Association (SDGA) was represented by Punn Chittaratlert, Caleb Decker, Tynan Jones and Jackson Saroney in this year's 57th Williamson Cup. The team captain was SDGA President Todd Dischinger.
This year's event was hosted by the Buffalo District Golf Association at the Country Club of Buffalo, August 9-10.
Related: Final Results / Williamson Cup Homepage
The SDGA finished in sixth place at 60-over 480 throughout the 36 hole competition.
Tynan Jones of Skaneateles Country Club was the SDGA's top performer, and finished tied for 11th place in the individual competition at 11-over 151.
The Williamson Cup is a junior event, where ten northeast golf associations face off in a 36-hole stroke play format. Each association is represented by four junior players, with the best three scores from each round counting towards the team's overall score.
The Syracuse District will host the Williamson Cup next in 2027. It was last hosted by the SDGA in 2016 at Bellevue Country Club.
