A Letter from the President
Coronavirus - These are unprecedented times. Our Board is hopeful that this serious situation subsides so that we have no interruption to our great 2020 Championship schedule. That being said, we will follow CDC guidelines and if postponements or cancellations have to occur we will do that in as timely manner as possible. One change we can note now, we've decided to delay the start of registration for all SDGA competitions until April 15, 2020. I am pleased to announce the addition of three new members to the Syracuse District Golf Association Board: Connor Wisniewski, Brad Monroe and Kevin VandenBerg. Their playing experience and overall knowledge of our great game of golf will be a valuable addition to the Board. Our Tournament Director, Don Christian, has worked extremely hard with our Member Clubs over the past several months to secure a great lineup of courses for all of our competitive events this season. Related: 2020 SDGA Tournament Schedule I'd like to thank the board and staff of the NYSGA for their continued support. The NYSGA will again assign an intern to handle most of the logistics for each of our events. We will share his or her bio when it becomes available. I have two important goals for this year... continue to improve pace of play and fill each of our events to capacity. Last season our event staff really stressed Pace of Play and most players did a really good job playing at or a little bit ahead of the Pace of Play times printed on the scorecard. One goal again for this year is to continue improving Pace of Play. This makes the game much more enjoyable for all players. I am looking forward to another great season. Until we meet on the course, take care and be safe.
Todd Dischinger, SDGA President